-Infiltrator is the number-one septic leachfield chamber system in the onsite industry.
-More than one million systems have been installed, with over 27 million units in-ground in all 50 states and 24 countries.
-Infiltrator’s established history of performance and reliability began in 1987.
-Field surveys show that Infiltrator chamber systems, at 50% reduced sizing, perform equivalent to full-size stone and pipe systems.
-Infiltrator is ISO 9001:2000 certified and IAPMO tested and UPC approved
H-20 Chambers
The High Capacity Infiltrator Chamber H-20 offers maximum internal volume per linear foot for extra temporary storage capacity. The 10” louvered sidewalls facilitate infiltration and evapotransporation, while reducing fines in the system. The High Capacity H-20 chamber gets an H-20 load rating with 18” of compacted cover when installed per installation requirements.
More temporary storage capacity
Maximum internal volume per linear foot
Easy assembly and installation with as few as two people, a backhoe and a pickup truck
Inspection port option for easy access to leach field with no site disruption
H-10 Chambers
The High Capacity Infiltrator (HC10) enables greater internal volume for temporary 'surge' storage over the Standard Chamber (STD10). A 10-inch high louvered sidewall aids the chamber's large total effective area.
Premium Septic Supplies, founded by Torren Kimura and Eric Guyett, provides Kauai with American Made Septic System components essential for your permit approved Septic System design. Torren and Eric, industry experts born and raised in Kilauea on the North Shore of Kauai, value preserving our limited natural resources - with our precious fresh water at the center of focus. Eric, a Project Engineer with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, is a lifetime waterman and understands the health implications that unfold when wastewater, especially introduced near the water table, isn’t treated properly. Torren is an experienced Contractor and devoted family man who, from Mauka to Makai, knows how to bring home fresh food to the dinner table. Torren appreciates the effort it takes to keep our island’s water pure and clean. We see the growing need to help in any way we can to preserve the beauty and abundance of our home. That’s why Premium Septic Supplies offers a comprehensive range of high-quality Septic System supplies, from advanced septic tank technologies and leach field chambers to eco-friendly treatment solutions. We tailor our inventory to meet the unique needs of homeowners, businesses, and real estate professionals across Kauai. We are committed to providing unparalleled customer service and expertise to ensure peak performance and longevity of your new Septic System. Cesspools are out, Premium Septic Supplies are in.
Best Regards,
Eric Guyett & Torren Kimura